Our greatest asset. We dedicate the utmost care, pampering and attention to them.
It begins with the selection of the vineyards based on the advice of experts in land composition to find the best locations, noted for their limited fertility and good drainage.
It begins with the selection of the vineyards based on the advice of experts in land composition to find the best locations, noted for their limited fertility and good drainage.
Ideal terrain
The vineyard strikes a balance between soil and plant to promote quality over quantity. By limiting production, the grapes are richer and more concentrated, which produces wines with good alcoholic strength, rich in colour, polyphenols, intensity, and aroma.

Plantation characteristics
- Planting frames are used to expand the root system of the plant.
- The vines are trained on trellises to achieve optimum maturation and health.
- We do not use residual or phytosanitary substances that alter the vegetative phases of the vineyard.

Finca Tamaral
Finca Padilla
Finca Castrillo
Finca Pesquera
Finca Tamaral

Finca tamaral
Location: Padilla de Duero, around the winery (golden mile).
Area: 2.4 ha (check after grubbing-up).
Year of planting: 1999 Type of plantation: Royat double cordon trellis.
Type of planting: Royat double cordon trellis
Variety: Tinto fino.
Altitude: 760 m approx.
Floor: Clay.
Orientation: NORTE-SUR.
Climate: Continental.
Pluviometry: media 450 mm por año.
Finca Padilla

Finca Padilla
Location: Duero, opposite the castle of Peñafiel.
Surface area: 1.2 ha approx.
Year of planting: 2000
Type of plantation: Espaldera a doble cordón Royat.
Variety: Tinto fino.
Altitude: 800 m aprox.
Floor: Franco limoso con un alto contenido de carbonato cálcico
Orientation: ladera NOROESTE SURESTE.
Climate: Continental.
Pluviometry: average 450 mm per year.
Finca Castrillo

Finca Castrillo
Location: Castrillo de Duero.
Surface: 17 ha aprox.
Year of planting: 2000
Type of plantation: Espaldera a doble cordón Royat.
Variety: Tinto fino.
Altitude: 820 m aprox.
Floor: Franco arcilloso con un alto contenido de carbonato cálcico.
Orientation: Ladera Norte – Sur.
Climate: Continental.
Pluviometry: media 450 mm por año.
Finca Pesquera

Finca Pesquera
Location:Pesquera de Duero, in the moor.
Surface area: 24 ha approx.
Year of planting: 2000, 2002, 2007 and 2009.
Type of planting: Royat double cordon trellis.
Variety: Tinto fino.
Altitude: 900 m approx.
Floor: sandy loam, stony.
Climate: Continental.
Rainfall: average 450 mm per year.